Monday, February 8, 2010

Alopecia Areata / Patchy Hair Loss Part III - Maintaining it

After you have found your suitable treatment, are there additional ways that you can maintain your scalp condition better?

Firstly: Start with your shampoo and conditioner. Opt for a milder shampoo and junk the chemical infested ones. Personally, I'm back to basic, Johnson & Johnson conditioning shampoo. Well, if babies can use it, why can't adults?

2nd: Stop dyeing/chemical treatment on your hair. This is a personal recommendation as all chemicals have a risk on affecting your scalp. If you really have to color your hair, get a highlight as it reduces the contact of chemicals with your scalp.

3rd: Get a reliable hair stylist. You will not be able to stop the hair loss immediately but you definitely can change or enhance your hairstyle to cover the bald patches. I stopped going to salon for quite some time due to low confidence level and my denial of letting any one see those patches on my scalp. However, if you have a dedicated stylist that you are comfortable with, he/she will be able to advice you how you can maintain your hair without anyone noticing a single bald patch.

4th: Anxious about your prom night, D&D, photoshoot? Use or bring along eye shadows that matches your hair color when you style up your hair at home or in a salon. This is a neat trick used even in professional commercial environment. Rub a small amount of eye shadow on the visible bald patches and they will significantly be less visible under a gorgeously styled hair.

5th: And the most important. ATTITUDE! Keep the stress level down and the positivity going. Being one of the hair condition that has as high as 90% recovery rates. Staying happy and positive will aid your hair grow faster!

Hoping that this personal guide helps and may all our hair grow faster and stronger!


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